Traffic Group
The Traffic Group normally meets every month on the last Wednesday at 7pm in the Town Hall oin the Market Place. Agendas for future meetings and minutes of all meetings are available here.

Final Report
The Traffic Management have now finished their work and have provided a strategy that has been adopted by the Town Council. Any changes to the road layout will need to be agreed with Norfolk County Council and will have consultation with the public before implementation.
Traffic Strategy
Over the last 18 months the Traffic Group have been working on a strategy to improve the movement of vehicles, cycles and pedestrians through the town centre without causing issues elsewhere.
The suggestions within the document are only suggestions at the moment as any changes would need to be agreed and implemented by Norfolk County Council.
On November 30th the public will have a chance to look at and comment on these suggestions. There will be an open session at the Town Hall from 3.30pm - 8pm. Please come along and share your thoughts - either positive or negative!
A copy of the document can be found here but please be aware it is 92 pages before you hit print!
What is Traffic Group?
The Traffic Group has been set up as a result of the temporary changes made to the highway network in relation to Covid 19 in the summer of 2020.
It will also help to identify issues within Aylsham following the announcement that two new large developments are proposed in the Greater Norwich Local Plan.
The final strategy document will be presented to the Town Council in September 2023. The Traffic Group has now been disbanded.
Thanks for everyone who took part
Who sits on the Working Group?
The Group is open to both councillors and non-councillors
Traffic Survey
In late 2021 the Town Council in conjunction with traffic consultants undertook a survey of residents regarding their views of the traffic issues in Aylsham. This survey will help form a Traffic Strategy for Aylsham.
The results of the Baseline Report can be downloaded - please note this report is 225 pages
Aims and Objectives
To review the movement of people and vehicles through and around Aylsham with a view to establishing a viable system for the whole of Aylsham for the future
To establish an environmentally sound traffic system in which pedestrians and vehicles co-exist in a safe and practical manner
Local Economy
To develop measures to support and sustain the local economy
To ensure the numerous heritage assets in the town are not further compromised by any changes suggested
Well Being
To design an environmentally friendly and safe space for people by reducing the carbon footprint of residents, businesses and visitors to the town, minimising non-renewable energy consumption and improving nature conservation and landscaping.