Plans affecting Aylsham and planning permission applications are listed here.
The Role of the Town Council
Aylsham Town Council receive a copy of all planning applications sent to Broadland District Council for the town.
These are available to view on Broadland District Council’s website
The website will also provide you with any Environmental Impact Assessment Notices and Decisions.
If you have any observations with regards to the applications please send these to Broadland District Council by the closing application date, including the application number.
Greater Norwich Local Plan
The Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) is currently at the Reg 19 stage. The Town Council have objected to the legality of this plan as a second site was added after the Reg 18 consultation closed. This is currently with the Planning Inspectorate to determine. It is anticipated this will be later this year
Let us have your thoughts on the proposals for Aylsham. Please fill in this simple questionnaire
For information on the GNLP and what has happened and when have a look at this timeline
Current Plans​
​​​​Application number: 2024/3039
Proposal: Demolition of holiday let property
Location: 17 Hunagte Street, Aylsham, NR11 6AA
Applicant: Mrs Lisa Wickham
Application Type: Prior notification - demolition
​Comments to be made by: 18/12/2024
Application number: 2024/3574
Proposal: Single storey side extension
Location: 67 Burgh Road, Aylsham, NR11 6AT
Applicant: Mr Lee Ellis
Application Type: Householder
​Comments to be made by: 24/12/2024
Application number: 2024/3602
Proposal: Dormer extensions to two first floor bedrooms
Location: 57 Holman Road, Aylsham, NR11 6DN
Applicant: Mrs s Roadley
Application Type: Householder
​Comments to be made by: 27/12/2024
Application number: 2024/3162
Proposal: Single storey lean to rear extension
Location: 69 Howard Way, Aylsham, NR11 6XD
Applicant: Mrs Dianne Fonseka
Application Type: Householder
​Comments to be made by: 28/12/2024
Aylsham Neighbourhood Plan
Aylsham Neighbourhood Plan was adopted in July 2019.
Please note this is a very large document.
Planning application on Burgh Road
The application for this site is currently with Broadland District Council awaiting discussion by the Planning Committee.
This has been a proposed site within the emerging Greater Norwich Local Plan so in all likelihood the development will take place.
However, there are issues which the Town Council feel should be addressed within the plans.
The full detail of the Town Council response can be found by following Response to Burgh Road application
Planning application on Norwich Road
The application for this site is currently with Broadland District Council awaiting discussion by the Planning Committee.
The Town Council believe this plan should not even reach the committee and should be withdrawn prior to that stage.
The full detail of the Town Council response can be found by following Response to Norwich Road application
Application number: 20222089
Proposal: Erection of 255 dwellings, 90 unit extra care/independent living scheme, land for community sustainable transport hub, vehicular accesses, landscaping, public open space and associated infrastructure
Location: Land at Norwich Road, Aylsham
Applicant: Lockwood
Application type: Full planning permission