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Aylsham Town Council
Would you like to be a Town Councillor?
Following the recent resignation of a Town Councillor, there is a vacancy which can be filled by co-option by the Town Council.
Interested persons are invited to apply by requesting the application form (which can also be found on the Town Council website under policies) and returning it by to the Town Clerk by 4.00pm on Wednesday September 25th 2024. These completed forms will be circulated to the Town Council.
To be eligible candidates must fulfil the criteria below.
Candidates are requested to attend the Council meeting on 3rd October 2024 (7.00 pm, Town Hall) Council will make a resolution co-opting the successful candidate, who will be required to sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Register of Interests.
Dave Addy
Town Clerk
· A person must be eighteen years old;
· a qualifying Commonwealth, an Irish Republic, or a relevant EU citizen;
· a local government elector (i.e. on the electoral roll) or during the whole of the last twelve months:
· have occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises; have had his/her principal or only place of work in; have resided in, or within three miles of the Parish.
· The person must not be disqualified. A person convicted of a criminal offence, or a person who is the subject of a bankruptcy restrictions order or interim order might, for example, be a disqualified person.